
Home / portfolio / TheFork New wide gallery

UX Challenge


Main principle: What are new wide gallery?

Queremos mostrarle al usuario mas fotos del restuarante en el perfil. Para que puedan tener un overview del lugar y entienda si matchea con sus expectativas, y es su luvgar ideal.
Para esto, planteamos una nueva galeria, con fotos grandes y llamativas. Dónde vamos a traves de un sort, poner una foto de la comida, una foto exterior y una foto interior, para mostrarles la mejor overview del lugar, y con este sort evitar que haya fotos iguales del lugar o parecidas.


For some Restaurants, the photos displayed on the Header were too similar, not conveying meaningful information.


Provide overview of the Restaurant with few significant photos.


Display photos under 4 categories: Indoor, Food, Outdoor and Others.

🚀Technical complexity + Mitigate possible impact on the user journey, a progressive rollout was made.

🛑Performance issues were detected and are currently being addressed by the team 👨🏻‍💻.

🗓AB test scheduled for end of October on France, Italy and .com

Photo header A/B test with the current version


Photos are one of the most valuable content 🔥
Space on screen: TheFork 21% VS Competitors 64%.


Make Photos stand out on Restaurant Page


New interactive Header
Full screen gallery
Allows navigation among Photos ⬅️➡️

Wireframes & Proposal

Current Gallery

New Gallery


Current vs New gallery

A/B TestResult

CVR Uplift: 1,73% 🚀
CVR Uplift in previous iteration: 0,4% ✨



What’s new?

Fullscreen interactive gallery
Booking widget location adjusted

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