
Home / portfolio / TheFork Filters

UX Challenge


Main principle : What are quick filters?

Main goal of Search Result Page (SRP) is to help users to find the right restaurant quickly and easily. That’s why we offer to our users a way to reduce the list of results matching with their criteria.
At first, we created the quick filters & the order based on data analysis.
Once it will be done, the goal will be to personalize the display of quick filters based on the user’s preferences.

Where are displayed quick filters?

On all our products, Quick Filters are :
- Displayed at the top of the Search Result page. (SRP) - Are sticky, meaning that users can still view it while scrolling. - Are horizontally scrollable : users can horizontally scroll to view list of quick filters.


Primary focus:
- Responsive: Started Mobile (Mobile fist concept)
- Changes & organization in the Users interface (visible and tidy) intended to make filters more intuitive and useful

Filters video

Next steps / Quick filters

Users who engage with filters exhibit higher intent compared to average users and represent a large portion of bookings & revenue.

High engagement

Low penetration

For users who visit, 13% engage with filters and represent 30% of bookings & revenue.
For users on /R, only 3% use filters but represent 21.2% of confirmed booking impressions.

Filters can result in a positive feeling of control and choice, even in the face of overwhelming numbers of options, and, for some users, are crucial in helping them make decisions about where to dine.
Making these filters more discoverable, personalized, and easy to use presents a potential upside for the business, is important for helping users find places they'd like to go based on their preferences, and helps provide an overall successful experience for users on the site.

Filters on TheFork Website - Heuristic evaluation

#1: Visibility of system status

- Results number on the CTA doesn’t always update quickly, might need a loader/spinner
- Checkboxes are too separate from labels, making it difficult to identify which items are selected.

#2: Match between system and the real world

- Is “Loyalty program” as a filter category widely understood by users?
- Is “The Fork selections” as a filter category widely understood by users?
- Are filter checkboxes ordered from most to least used?
- “Michelin guide selection” = “select all Michelin restaurants”. Is this clear to the user?

#3: User control and freedom

- No “clear all filters” option is available

#4: Consistency and standards

- Offers filter is labeled as “Special offers” in the top bar; but also “The Fork advantages” and “Only with offers” within the filter modal.
- Not all filter behave the same: Insider and Michelin filters introduce a header in the SRP screen which pushes all the relevant content below the fold.

#5: Error prevention

- Users are allowed to click on “see results” even when the expected result is zero matches.

#6: Recognition rather than recall

- It’s not possible to see applied filters without navigating back and forth in the filters panel

#7: Flexibility and efficiency of use

#8: Aesthetic and minimalist design

#9: Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors

#10: Help and documentation

- No tooltip explanation on what Yums or Insider are

Main issues in our current product

Filters are not visible enough

Loss in usage: on WNG desktop, only 9% of users visiting an SRP apply a filter (dashboard) from the main filter screen against 19% on desktop legacy
Filters are hard to use

Usability issue:

Via Hotjar recordings, we clearly identify that users have difficulties applying filters, especially when they go into a filter category - they change screen and need to do back & forth + validate twice Effort & time consuming: to apply popular filters, such as Restaurants accepting Yums or a Food type, users need to think about the category they belong to, click on the category and then find & select the one(s) they are looking for, so we’re not making it easy for our users Deactivation of filters is time consuming: there is no easy way to access applied filters, users have to remember the category that corresponds to the applied filters to deactivate them.

What is the assumption?

Unifying the DHP and filters as well as showing quick filters will improve the search experience.

Tested solution

Filters bar with DHP (Day/Hour/Pax) and quick filters (cuisine, neighborhoods, rating, etc.)


- From 25/6 to 11/7 = 2.5 WEEKS
- 100% users
- All devices
- All SRP's
- 11 brands: FR, ES, CH, COM, SE, IT, NL, PT, BR, AU, UK


Main goal of Search Result Page is to help users to find the right restaurant quickly and easily. That’s why we offer to our users a way to reduce the list of results matching with their criteria.

This “filter” features includes:

A list of quick filters displayed at the top of the SRP. Goal is to push the most used and performant filters to minimize the number of clicks to reduce the list of results.
- A filter CTA leading to a filter screen in which users can access to the exhaustive list of filters offered by TheFork. Users can also apply several filters on this screen.

Filters usage
27% of sessions that visited the SRP applied filters (13% of the total traffic) with a CVR of 15% (VS 10% for SRP traffic that did not apply a filter.)
Filters Performance:
Promo filter is the most used filter.
It represents 40% of the traffic using filters. The best CVR (20%) is driven by the Services filters, that is rarely used (less than 1% of the traffic using filters) and Rating filter (6% of traffic using filters).
Promo, Distance and Cuisine are in the top 3 of the used filters
for both iOS and Android.
About IOS & Android apply
iOS users apply mostly Rating and Ambience filters. Android users are more interested in “good deals” with TF selection (mostly TF Festival) and Yums accepted filters.
About Spanish & French users:
Spanish users seem to be more interested in TF selection than others. Rating filter is really used in France.
CVR for Cuisine and Promotions filters is higher.
Distance is the second most used filter for sessions that have seen the Search filters screen. Rating and Price are also mostly used.

Side filters version

TheFork Filters

